Hello, I'm Martine, a writer, trainer and consultant living in Guernsey, Channel Islands.

I write about wellbeing-driven productivity and professional learning.

Welcome to my little corner of Medium.

If you’re curious about wellbeing-driven productivity and why it’s “my thing”, it helps to know a bit of my story...

I spent the first decade of my career working in recruitment, training, and finance.

At the age of 30, I was on the board of directors of an international finance company. I had a corner office, drove a convertible, and earned great money.

Sounds perfect, doesn’t it?

Except it wasn't. I was unhappy doing a job that didn't help anyone.

So, I took an enormous career gamble. I escaped my “golden handcuffs” and left finance for a one-year contract as an unqualified lecturer in office administration at the local further education college.

I'd love to tell you my transition into teaching was easy, but it wasn't. I struggled with anxiety, depression, and exhaustion. I got burnt out.

I didn't know it then, but some of my struggles stemmed from undiagnosed autism (I was diagnosed years later, aged 43).

That first year of teaching was the biggest challenge of my life. As exhausted as I was, I recognised that teaching – helping people – was what I needed to do. But if I was going to thrive (not just survive), I needed to do things differently.

And I did.

I completed teacher training, QTLS, ATS, and, most recently, a Master's in Education. I moved into leadership and developed a passion for professional development, coaching, and quality improvement.

My experience of burnout taught me that I needed to be well to do my job well.

Prioritising my health and wellbeing was essential. I had to come first.

That's where the concept of wellbeing-driven productivity came from. When you adopt a wellbeing-first mindset, everything falls into place. Everyone wins. You must be your priority.

To do well, you need to be well.

Some 15 years later, I'm a respected educator, sought-after speaker, and prolific writer, specialising in professional development and wellbeing-driven productivity.

Connect with Martine Ellis
Martine Ellis

Martine Ellis

I write, speak, and teach about wellbeing-driven productivity to help you succeed on your terms • Writer • Trainer • Consultant •